Preparing Bulgur Wheat

My search for healthier grains to incorporate into my cooking has led me to stumble upon Bulgur wheat, and I must admit I am quite chuffed that I did.  High in fibre and nutrients, yet low in fat it’s perfect for those of us trying to shed some kilos.

Even better it’s really versatile, tasty and easy to prepare.  No surprise it’s one of my favourite ingredients.

Seeing that I will probably be using it rather frequently in blog posts from now on, I thought I’d do a quick post on how to prepare it (as if the instructions aren’t simple enough) to avoid having to post the same steps with each recipe that I use it in.

It’s terribly complicated so please try to keep up (har har)

Step 1

Measure off one part (in this case 1 cup) of uncooked Bulgur wheat



Step 2

Pour the Bulgur wheat and a good pinch of salt into a mixing bowl / measuring jug


Step 3

Add two parts (in this case two cups) of boiling water, stir through and cover with cling film or a lid of some sort



Step 4

After 20 minutes the Bulgur wheat will have soaked up all the liquid, remove the clingfilm and fluff it up a bit with the fork, and you are done.  Easy as that.



You can of course experiment with adding different flavours to the water.  I like to add a touch of chilli, and if I’m serving it with seafood some lemon juice, you get the idea.

On it’s own it has a nutty flavour but can be a bit bland. I like to mix it in with stir fries, roast vegetables etc to add some bulk and low-gi carbs.

Author:Fritz Brand

Passionate Foodie, Blues Man, Photographer, Technology Geek and all round cool dude.

7 Responses to “Preparing Bulgur Wheat”

  1. Margaretha
    March 14, 2012 at 12:02 pm #

    Hey, wat is die kj en “sat fat” waardes per koppie of 100gram?

    • Fritz Brand
      March 15, 2012 at 2:37 pm #

      Hi, Woolies sin is 376 kj en 0.2g total fat per 100g. Saturated fat is net trace amounts

      • Margaretha
        March 15, 2012 at 5:28 pm #

        WOW, Dit is AWESOME. Dit wil voorkom of ek dalk net so verlief gaan word op die produk soos jy. Het nou net die slaai gesien, dit lyk baie lekker

        • Fritz Brand
          March 20, 2012 at 11:33 pm #

          Cool gee dit ‘n go, dis rerig baie versatile. Ook lekker saam met roast veg etc.

          • Jo
            July 2, 2012 at 9:26 am #

            Hi Fritz, is there a difference between Bulgar wheat and Cous cous ?

          • Fritz Brand
            July 2, 2012 at 9:34 am #

            Hi Jo.

            Yes there is a difference in how it is produced, but you can substitute the one for the other in most recipes. Nutritionally Bulgur has more fibre as it is less processed, essentially just being cracked wheat. Does that help?


  1. Tuna, Zucchini and Bulgur Wheat Salad | Real Men Can Cook - March 15, 2012

    […] Prepare 1 cup of Bulgur wheat as per my handy dandy guide here […]

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