This is my first attempt at a cooking blog, so any constructive crit would be appreciated :)
I was strolling around in the supermarket yesterday, looking for some inspiration and my eye caught some really great looking smoked pork neck steaks, and they were cheap too *score*. I grabbed them, raced around the aisles looking for other ingredients and dashed home.
I ended up with a really tasty dish. I don’t normally like fruit at all, so I was a bit worried about the orange, but the flavors somehow worked really well for me!
Here is what I decided to do…
First things first, get them tators boiling. Peeled my potatoes, cut them in quarters to reduce cooking time, and chucked em in some boiling water with a decent pinch of salt
Next I laid out the beautiful pork neck steaks
dusted them with some white bread flour and let them chill out for a while. I did not add seasoning as the smoked flavor should be good enough.
Next I started on the Orangey onions as I wasn’t sure how this would turn out. I fried up some onions in butter, no salt or other spices.
Then I squeezed in the juice of one orange, I also used the fine grater to get some of the rind off, and chucked that into the pan for extra orange flavour.
Added some sugar and caramelized the onions. Be careful not to burn the orange juice or onions at this stage, I added some water when it got dry.
I then fried the pork steaks in butter over a medium high heat, not turning them too often.
I chucked some baby greens (fine beans, baby corn and mangetout) and mushrooms into a pan with some butter and olive oil, adding some fresh garlic when they were about halfway done. Seasoned with some sea salt and crushed black pepper.
Quickly mashed my potatoes, got out the cooking ring, greased it with some of the fat from the pork pan and started plating it.
I don’t like terribly fancy presentations, but I do like it to at least look like you didn’t just plop everything on the plate.
I ended up with this, yea yea tis a big portion, but I am a big dude ok!
Comments and suggestions welcome!
I am leaving on holiday in a couple of days and I won’t have decent internet so I doubt I will be posting new stuff, but I’m looking forward to giving this blogging thing a go in the new year!
Happy festivities to all!