Project Steak Braai – Report Back and Picture Gallery

I am thrilled to report that Project Steak Braai was a huge success.

We managed to raise a total of 688 US Dollars (+- R5000) for the WeFeedBack campaign.  That is enough to feed 2752 hungy children!

It feels great to be part of such an awesome iniative.

It was great seeing so many people willing to pitch in and do their bit for the common good, all while having a ball of a time :)

I would like to personally thank everyone involved, the sponsors, my fellow cook Jon Meinking, Ishay for inspiring me to do this and of course the ravenous hordes that descended upon us to devour the steaks. I must admit I have never seen such tiny women eating such huge steaks! I was well impressed! :)

I urge you to come up with an event of your own, you’ll be amazed how much you can achieve on limited resources. It really does not have to be as big as mine, every bit helps.  We can have strength in numbers.  Head on over to and start Feeding Back now!

I have put up some of the pictures of the evening below, if anyone needs higher resolution shots please shout.


Author:Fritz Brand

Passionate Foodie, Blues Man, Photographer, Technology Geek and all round cool dude.

5 Responses to “Project Steak Braai – Report Back and Picture Gallery”

  1. August 29, 2011 at 4:22 pm #

    It was a great evening, thank you so much for hosting.

    • Fritz Brand
      August 30, 2011 at 8:45 am #

      Thanks Hila, so glad you enjoyed it :) Was fun having you all over :)

  2. August 30, 2011 at 8:14 am #


    • Fritz Brand
      August 30, 2011 at 8:44 am #

      Yar! Thanks so much for rallying your friends Caylee :) Cute lil things they are, and they eat like monsters!


  1. Food and the Fabulous » Blog Archive » Food Bloggers Join the W.F.P to Feed Back - August 31, 2011

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